Place des Fleurs-de-Macadam wins SQP Excellence Award

June 17, 2024

Place des Fleurs-de-Macadam, Quebec’s first “water square,” recently won the Excellence Award from Société québécoise de phytotechnologie (SQP) for the best Quebec project in phytotechnology. The project was delivered in collaboration with NIPPAYSAGE and stands out for its innovative use of phytotechnology to manage urban rainwater runoff to address effects of climate change.

Place des Fleurs-de-Macadam is built on the former site of a gas station and is a temporary flood area, providing 3,230 SF (300m2) of bioretention surface. Rainwater filtration is optimized by a great density and diversity of vegetation. The tree and shrub roots that cover over 40% of the site’s surface naturally improve irrigation and the bioretention system’s efficiency. The roots also help maintain the porosity of the soil mixture used, supporting plant growth on the site.

In addition to playing a key role in managing urban rainwater runoff, the vegetation in this multifunctional public space helps mitigate the heat island effect and enhances the area with greenery.

This distinction is among many awards this project has earned, including awards from the Grands Prix du génie-conseil québécois and the Grands Prix du Design.

Learn more about this award-winning project.

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