Kevin Daugherty, senior project engineer/assistant area manager, in EXP’s Fort Myers office, has been with EXP since early 2019. Since he started, Kevin has been a force on construction projects in Florida, leading the way for safer, more effective roadways for the public.

His expertise has supported the recently opened downtown Sarasota US 41-Fruitville Road Roundabout Construction project. Kevin’s role helped ensure the project was delivered as economically as possible and did not sacrifice quality. As Kevin’s role and career progressed since early 2019, so did the roundabout, symbolizing the fruitful efforts of the project and the importance of laying the foundation for a success career.

As Kevin says, “In construction, when you break ground, you never know what you’re going to find so you really have to be able to adapt to all those different unique scenarios you might run into.” We know a career is the same way, and Kevin is leading by example on doing it right.

Learn more about constructing a lasting career from Kevin.

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